哇!~好久沒上來寫日記了~ sorry!sorry!~ 最近有點忙碌 ^^! 

All is clear after the storm passes.

My work is getting heavier and heavier.

I feel I never have enough money.

My legs aren't thin enough.

I often have disagreements with my boyfriend.

I don't know whether he is sincere to me.

There's nothing big that has happened.

I'm an idiot. ><"

Next time, I will listen to others' opinions.

今天中午 參加小玉的婚禮~ 訂婚喜宴 ^^! 真是幸福的小女人 ~ 恭喜妳 ~ 要加油唷!~

不管如何~ 要記住 ---- 快樂就是計較的少 ^^! 

加油唷!~ 我自己 ^^!


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