How rich is rich in my mind?
I think...............
Economic stability and having no debt.
And help me to grow up, study abroad .....
Give me a steady environment.
Cleverer than I......
Let me not exposed to the weather.....

I often have fantasies of a question recently.
If I have 1 million yuan........ I think of the balanced revenue and expenditure enough, let life not be tense any more.
If I have 2 million yuan........ I think it enough I go to Japan to study the master's degree.
If I have 3 million yuan........ I think it is enough for it to let me buy a small nest.
If I have 5 million yuan........ I think it has been already enough to let me buy a small nest and a comfortable automobile.
or let me go abroad to study, abundant life. ^^!

The above is talking nonsense............ ^^! haha~
Just like the little girl's dream, it is impractical.

Yours sincerely,


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