早上很懶。I've been having diarrhea.。


爸比說: 要參加可樂旅遊的行程。住九龍麗東酒店。。



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我想 我要開始習慣 。。任何我不能忍受的事了。。。



Dear sir,
I'm 北台科學技術學院 進二技子三忠 U9531144.

In the course, there are several questions :
1) We Need download the files before going to the course.
So,  I Can use NB in course?
Please give me again your Websites. Thank you!
2) By the way, Which kind is JAVA of the homework?  I want to study in advance.
I would appreciate it very much if you would send me your reply by before Friday.
Hoping that this will not cause you too much trouble.
Thank you very much.
Best regards,


Dear Belle:
Thank you for your question in advanced.
1. NB is welcomed in the course. It's a eco action against timber vanishing. My website here: (http://www.bear.idv.tw), but powerpoint is not avaliable now, pls d/l after friday.
2. We will study JAVA ME(Micro Edition)(http://java.sun.com/javame/index.jsp), for handheld device or handphone.
No troble at all.


Dear sir,
Thank you for your information. ^^!
Actually, design is my main subject.
So to C++ or C language, all let me feel that fear.

I try to understand on this website: (http://programming.im.ncnu.edu.tw/J_index.html).
In the meantime, can you give me some thoughts and come up with any recommendations?
Again, let me thank you for your reply.


Dear Belle:
     This site is a good introduction about Java. Basically, imitation is the best way to study programming.
If you interested in it, pls let me know, i can show you some good tutorials.
     What is your major tool kits? Programming language? or? And thank you for your NB in the class, my NB
o/p resolution is not match to projector. Maybe your NB should be in charge in the coming courses.


Dear sir,
Design is my main subject.
It includes webpage design, Package design, Indoor design,
Not meaning the programming language.

So, if I can learn Java... I think it will be my favorable turn. ( I will do my best.)
I think it is ok to carry NB in the course.
But, I will be absent for traveling in 10/14.
Thank you!
Best regards,



☆Annabelle Meredith⊕:::=:::: 。貝兒公主 。做最好的自己 。說: 成功是操之在己

今天我多學會了一個工具 。。Mozilla Firefox。。

Firefox - 輕巧快速的網路瀏覽器。

Firefox 是一款繼承了 Mozilla 血統的瀏覽器,具有輕巧以及快速瀏覽的特性,且也提供使用者時下最流行的分頁式瀏覽功能,並且可以透過多種外掛程式來無限擴充自深的功能,讓使用者多了一種非 IE 核心瀏覽器的選擇。

軟體介紹 。。。


在過去的 IE 與 Netscape 瀏覽器大戰過後,雖然 Netscape 敗下陣來,但是 Netscape 陣營並未放棄,轉而發展完全合乎網路制訂標準的網路瀏覽器 - Mozilla。然而由於 Mozilla 的執行速度過於緩慢,使得這波反攻僅僅掀起一點漣漪。現在, Mozilla 組織帶著他們最新的瀏覽器軟體 - Firefox 回到戰場,準備掀起一波更大的波瀾。

Firefox 是一款完全符合網路制訂標準的瀏覽器,它擺脫了 Mozilla 給人的臃腫印象,帶給使用者一種全新的纖細體驗。 Firefox 以它輕巧的程式大小伴隨著強大的功能,讓使用者在各種平台上都可以體驗它的強大威力,而它的主要功能如下:
超強程式外掛功能,由許多自由作者所撰寫的外掛來加強 Firefox 的功能,例如滑鼠手勢、分頁增強、連結拖拉等,讓瀏覽器本身更佳方便易用。

在 Windows 下使用 Firefox 還有另外一個好處,就是當瀏覽網頁時如果瀏覽器當機, Firefox 由於使用的不是 IE 核心,所以強制關閉程式後並不會像 IE 一樣造成系統與資料的損毀喔。


* 增強程式穩定性。
* 數項安全性修正。


☆Annabelle Meredith⊕:::=:::: 。貝兒公主 。做最好的自己 。說: 生活就是不斷的學習。加油!!



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