媽媽說在我小時候 有帶我去過鹿港.... 但我 完全沒有這個記憶 ~ 大概 是很小的時候吧!~
一直想在旅遊的回憶裡, 也補上這一項 ~ 終於 我完成了
在看完國家旅遊頻道~ 我決定去一趟鹿港~ 這一個保留的很完全的老街 ~
九曲巷 、 十宜樓 、 摸乳巷 ... 都是我好想去玩味的地方^^
The Chinese 「一府、二鹿、三艋舺」 means Lukang is the second largest town in Taiwan. The history of the town of Lukang has been characterized by rapid change. In the 17th century, Dutch occupiers used Lukang as a major harbor for exports; in 1784 it was designated as the Taiwan seaport for shipping links with the Hanchiang harbor at Chuanchou on the coast of mainland China. Thereby becoming the gateway to central Taiwan. At that time the town was crowded with stores that covered their facing streets with awnings, creating the famous 「no sky」market areas. Early in the present century the conservative residents refused to allow the passage of major northsouth railways and highways, and the harbor silted up as well, reducing Lukang from the second largest city in Taiwan to a small back water town. It is this conservatism,too, that has allowed the preservation of the traditional face of Lukang.
- Apr 20 Sun 2008 20:25
2008【初訪】 鹿港記